Saturday 3 March 2018

External light sensor meter for Leica M3 Voigtlander VC - Meter II

The Leica M3 is an all mechanical camera with no electronic components. In order to determine the light conditions, an external light sensor meter is needed.

I went to Sam Sui Po hoping to get a vintage light meter but some how the accuracy is lacking for most of the light meters. Moreover, it is also quite difficult to determine the reading. I have also tried downloading the 4 light meter apps but all 4 apps showed different reading each time.

As such, I have decided to get a modern Voigtlander VC- Meter II which is both compact and accurate.  It costs about hK$1800. To operate this meter, you set the appropriate film speed, aim the front at your subject, and press the orange button. When you release the button, a reading is frozen, and the LED displays will show red over/under arrows as you try different shutter/aperture combinations. Finally you will see the green center dot illuminate and exposure is correct. The LEDs light up as soon as you press and hold the orange button in case you need real-time readings, rather than freezing one in memory. The LEDs stay lit for as long as you are rotating the dials and for about 8 seconds after you stop.

As it is a compact meter, the meter basically integrated itself with the camera.

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