much research research, I have finally bite the bullet and acquired the rare Olive
military M3. In order to maintain a small and tighter collection, I have traded
away the Leica I and Leica II Black paint cameras, Leica M3 chrome and the
Rolleiflex for these vintage Leica.
trading away my M3 chrome and for the M3 black paint, I was faced with the dilemma of what to do with the steel chrome Leica 50mm Summicron collapsible radioactive len, which I
actually love. With the Olive M3, I can now pair it with the Summicron
are my small collection of vintage Leica M3 camera consisting of the M3 Olive
and M3 Black paint and awaiting the M4 Black paint. Even though these are in
used conditions, I love the used brass marks left by the previous owners. Moreover, I am afraid of the repainted cameras and these natural fading of enamel lacquered black paint actually helped me to authenticate the real from the repainted ones.
have been actively taking photos with the old Leica and is loving the
experiences. To complete the collection will be the Black paint M2, which will be a project for the end of the year...
Please read:
Blackpaint俗稱"黑漆版",在M-mount的Leica世界裡,除了現型版的MP外,Blackpaint的產量特別稀少,例如:M3總產量約22萬台,Blackpaint只生產了約1300多台,比例約0.65%左右;M2總產量約85000多台,Blackpaint也只有2400多台,比例約0.65%左右2.8%左右。從1933年開始,Leica大量採用具備銀白色光澤、耐磨且耐蝕性的Chrome金屬。之後,Blackpaint的機身也生產的越來越少,直到1954年已經完全不生產Blackpaint機身。直到1956年,Original MP推出後,為了滿足部份記者與專業攝影家的需求,又開始少量的生產Blackpaint
MP,M3,M2,M4機種。Blackpaint至今已成為最耐看的LEICA機種。最新版的LEICA MP並將Blackpaint列為基本款市售機。
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