Friday, 25 May 2018

Angenieux 50mm f1.5

Angenieux 50mm f1.5

This is a vintage Angenieux movie camera lens. According to the seller, the previous owner bought a nice old Leica lens and sacrificed its lens and used the body for the Angenieux. The lens has been modified to have a coupling function and it can be used in Rangefinder camera like M3, M4 but there are dark corners. For use in the Sony A7 is fine.

This is not a projector lens. It came from a film camera unit is now remounted to a 50mm leica lens barrel and original Leica M mount, and added range finder coupling, then properly centred. Marked on lens rim " P. Angenieux Paris F.50 1:1.5 ". There is no type number 

This is not a projector lens.

There are 50mm projector ens available in the market. Many have asked on the possibility of using their 50mm projector lens on Leica.

Well, projector lens is not designed for taking pictures, if you really want to, bear in mind :

1/ NO 50mm projector lens can have back focus long enough to work on Leica.
2/ NO 50mm projector lens can cover 24x35mm full frame.

Of course there are users attempt to solve the above problem by using the front lens group only, but please remember :

A.  If you use the front lens group only, your 50mm lens becomes 100mm--125mm, depends on lens construction.
B.  If you use the front lens group only, your f1.5 lens becomes f3.5--f4.5, there is no free lunch.

As such, it is better to find  It has a true 50mm focal length and an effective aperture.

There are several types of Angenieux lens:

Type S (S/S1/S2/S21/S3/S5/S6...) Double Gauss (雙高斯結構) 50mm/75mm/100mm
Type R : RETROFOCUS...主要用在廣角鏡頭 24mm/28mm/35mm
Type p : 類似zeisssonnar結構? 主要在望遠...90mm/135mm/150mm
R: Retrofocus type
P: Ernostar-6 type (54)長鏡頭
Y: Ernostar-4 type (44)長鏡頭
S: 雙高斯對稱式(64)標準境
X: Tessar type (四片三群)
Z: Triplet 三片式

All the French lenses produce exquisite and beautiful bokeh,The key charateriestics of the Angenieux lens are the great colour and it's special Bokeh (散景) when the lens are fully opened. 

法国Angenieux镜头是法国三大名镜之一,它的镜头画质以色彩层次丰富, 暗部表现力强,高低光过渡自然而响誉世界,曾获国际奥斯卡电影机大奖。爱展能镜头对红黄蓝色的响应超群,色彩艳丽生动,被人们称之为具有迷倒众生魅力的蓝色妖姬,即便是在阴雨天气里,爱展能镜头对色彩的反应也一样出色。在大光圈下它所呈现出的散景奇妙无比,生动鲜活而富有层次,这对喜欢散景效果的朋友来说具有极其特别的吸引力

I am hoping for a type S1, 

1. 全開柔焦, 收半檔已經很利
2. 旋轉魚鱗式散景
3. 清新顏色表現

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