Friday 27 April 2018

Leica Summicron f2 version 1 35mm 8 Element 八枚玉

Leica Summicron 2/35mm 8 Element 八枚玉

There is much joy in taking film photograph. In addition, there is also much fun in understanding the Leica camera and its lenses. With the M3 cameras, I have been focusing  on the 50mm Summicron. 

With the M4 camera, it is now possible for me to use the 35mm lens without the need for the pair of goggle / extra eye piece (Finer attachment) in M3 version. It will really takes space in my small bag. The weight and size has prompted me to start searching for a nice 35mm lens for the M2/M4 versions without the extra eye piece.

The Leica Summircon 2/35mm, with nickname “8-element”, including infinity focus lock, is the first version of the immortal Leica Summicron 35mm f/2 lens. It is among the finest 35mm lenses ever made. Its tiny, ultra-sharp, ultra-fast and distortion-free advantages allow it to be the most professional and popular non-aspherical lens, especially excellent in black and white photos, owing to ultra-wide gray scale, strong three-dimensions and rich layers. 8 elements in 6 groups. The 8-element model is the penultimate for black and white shooters. It had everything thrown in with Leica's heart and soul, before the Version 3 production cost reduction went to 6-elements. Heavy duty chrome on brass; weighs twice as much as it should. Given my preference for black and white photos, it seems like a good idea to get one of this.

Earlier 35's like the summaron and cron 1st V are superb for Black and white due to their less contrastiness, where the shadows are better captured. The newer lenses are better for colour due to better more accurate coatings. The range distant of focusing starting from 0.7m to infinity with the image quality to be very desirable at f2.8 – 5.6.

There are two broad versions namely with Made in Germany and Made in Canada. Actually they are the same, just Germany is less than Canada. As a result, the German made one is a bit more expensive and there are some Leica fans think “Germany” is more authentic, but indeed 8-element was originally designed and produced by Canadian team formed by the German.

As such, I have traded away my Leica III Black camera with Elmar lens for this 35mm Summircon lens. Finally, my streamlining exercise is beginning to be at its final stage.

Current set up:

1. Leica M3 Olive Body with chrome Leica 50mm Collapsible radioactive lens
2. Leica M3 Black paint Body with Black paint Leica 50mm Summicron rigid lens
3. Leica M4 Black paint Body with Black chrome Elmar - M lens and chrome Leica 35mm lens

八枚玉是指Leica Summicron 35/2.0第一代镜头,有银色与黑色之别,有螺口与M口之别、有加拿大产与德产之别,有眼镜版与非眼镜版之别. 由於使用了8片鏡片,因此日本人稱這支鏡頭為「8枚玉」,這是源自日文中稱鏡片為「玉」,所以「8片鏡片」=「8枚玉」。至於華文Leica戶則給這支鏡頭起了一個可愛的名字:「8妹」,即源自於日人「8枚」的稱呼.由於日本人非常喜愛這種成像的調調,因此被炒作出非常高的價格。八枚玉诞生正是Leica的黄金时期。八枚玉是这个时代的代表作,金属制成的银色镜身小巧美观。用手转动那精巧的光圈环,对焦环,如丝一般的操作感。她有一个雕刻精细的对焦手柄,在对焦无限远处可以锁住,据说有不少人就为了这个无限远锁的做工和上锁的手感对八枚玉发狂, 是一枚镜头,她也是一个漂亮的工艺品.

八枚玉 又或稱「八妹」Leica的第一代summicron-m 35 镜头 镜已有50年左右的历史 现行版 summicron-m 35Asph 已属第五代)经历了整个产业那么多年的技术革新 锐度/畸变/分辨率等 八枚玉在光学素质各类参数上是无法和今日的高端镜头比的 但此镜口碑主要来自它过渡自然,影调丰富,油润的成像风格 ,成片偏古典韵味 较适合胶片拍摄 尤其是黑白.八枚的表现是全面顶级的

1958年推出的Leica Summicron 35mm f/2 (I)八枚玉更是其中的表表者。Leica為了把35mm焦段鏡頭的最大光圈從SummaronElmarf/3.5再加大,使用了當時透光度和價格都相當高的瑩石玻璃,並一口氣使用8片鏡片,才將進光量一舉推到f/2,組成了Summicron 35mm f/2這支經典鏡頭。它外型細小,超銳利和高速,包含無限遠對焦鎖定,在很多人眼中是最卓越和最受歡迎的球面鏡頭,尤其適合拍攝黑白照。11年後,Leica為了節省成本重新設計了的鏡片結構,將鏡片數減少2片,於是這一代的改版被稱為「6枚玉」、「6枚」或「6妹」。6枚玉總共有兩代,一直到第四代和現行版的Summicron 35mmLeica為這支鏡頭增加了一片鏡片,所以叫做「7枚玉」

如果要入手第一顆Leica鏡頭,建議從35mm焦段入手,除了這是Leica最經典的一個焦段之外,適用範圍也是最廣的一個焦段.其實在Leica M的世界中,也不需要拘泥在新鏡的選擇,因為有太多過去的老鏡,會給您有不同的感動.個人覺得與其買一顆很貴很貴的Leica新鏡不如多買幾顆老鏡來玩玩.Leica的東西只要不買新品基本上很難虧到大錢.
八枚玉是指一代35mm f2 leica m summicron  35mm f/2 8 elements. 谓的小八妹 是指 Leica M Summaron 35mm f/2.8.
第一代(1958-1968) 68 1548001—2312750 (8
第二代(1969-1979) 46 2312751—3013600 (6),
第三代(1980-1996) 57 3013601—3770929 (7) 
第四代(1997- ) 57 3770930— (asph现售版)

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